Baby-waiting Bill Skarsgård: "We build a life together"


Bill Skargård about the building, family ties and the Hollywood career

SAN DIEGO. Life plays for Bill Skarsgård

It has a sequel to the success of "Monster", the television series "Castle Rock" coming out and a baby on its way.

At the same time he slapped bopoles in Stockholm. 19659005] – I felt that I could afford to buy something and stop living in my backpack, he says about the apartment

Bill Skarsgård receives the Nöjesbladet at comic-con comic-con from San Diego. Here it is up among over 300,000 dedicated visitors to launch "Castle Rock".

Behind the ten episode television series, which premiered a Swedish HBO Nordic on Thursday, Stephen King the author whose classic "It" gave the 27-year-old Swedish a straight trackboard at Hollywood.

– I was a bit hesitant when I heard about "Castle Rock". I just finished "that" and it did not come out. I did not just want to be tied to one thing, he said, aiming for the box of horror.

He had not read the script.

– Once I did it, I thought it was one of the best pilot sections. read.


Despite the Hollywood success, Bill Skarsgård does not think of Sweden

Do not Be Horror

The action revolves around the small town of Castle Rock. Long in the basement of Shawshank Local Prison, a warning, Identityless prisoner (Bill Skarsgård) is found alive and no one really knows what it's all about.

– I am often asked if I am attracted to the genre I do not do it. I do not see a lot of horror movies myself. On the other hand, I like bold characters and a little more extreme. They happen to be dark and dark things are inspired.

With this attitude, he could not have found a better partner than Stephen King. Yet, they do not have the close relationship you could imagine.

– I have not met him yet, Bill Skarsgård said with a smile.

– It's really strange. He lives in Maine and does not get much.

– But it seems to me that I should thank him personally.

However, this is not the only thing he has to think of this hot summer.

Alida Morberg is the couple's first child

– that's right, he says, and thanks for the congratulations.

At the same time, the actor points out that family training is something that he wants to keep out of the way.

"It was important to have a house"

Clearly, despite the Hollywood success, the couple will continue to have Stockholm as a fixed point. Recently, the actor bought an apartment at home

– I felt that it was important to have a house, a physical place. Now I have it. It's my first house, we build the property and it feels good.

– This is also the place where I grew up and where all my family is. So, it will be the base.

Since many of the Skarsgård clan members have their own cars in Hollywood, the question is what they can see.

– We try to meet as often as possible. I love being in Stockholm and daddy usually makes dinner for all of us.

– The family is important. We are a big family and we are close to each other.

Despite close ties, he denies that collections revolve around work.

– I think everyone has their own attitude towards the profession. For me, the approach of a role is almost a private affair. I talk as much to my friends at work as to my family

– but it's as good to have people who understand what a hard day's work can be. As said, it's a strange occupation and my family understands it strange.

"Never hate my own bed as an adult"

Bill Skarsgård does not think that there will be a problem in combining accommodation in Northern Europe with the career of the other side of the Atlantic.

– This is not because I have a place in Stockholm that I am not there. I do not think I will spend more time in Sweden than I have already done. I'm here for a few months a year, then I work for a few months and then I'm in Los Angeles a few months trying to get a job. I like having it.

He also states that he is the kind of person who likes to be in different places and have a flexible life.

– The work of the actor corresponds to that.

Then he returns to the apartment

– It feels good to have a home. I really felt this week when I met a friend in Europe. After only a few days, I realized how much I did not need to sleep in my own bed.

– I have never had it as an adult, I have never had my own bed. So it's so good now.

"Castle Rock" does not threaten this existence. It's already ready.

– Television can be both a blessing and a curse. You can link for years. I liked that this one has an end. At the same time I had the chance to go deep. He has ten hours to develop the figure

This means that he has had time to think about what could mean a defense in prison.

– If I could survive in prison?

He laughs.

– I'm not sure about that I'm probably too cute.

Celebrities with children 2018 01:06

Bill Skarsgård about …

Magnus Sundholm and Bill Skarsgård.

… dramatic weight loss before "Castle Rock":

– My character has been in a cage for so long. That's why I wanted it to look mined. When you lose weight, your face changes a lot.

… about celebrity in the United States after "It":

– I am recognized as the guy who played the guy, not like the guy (laughs). But I'm fine with that. There are those who need celebrity and want to be recognized, but I do not think it's healthy.

… the biocarriary, which continues in September with the next drama "Assination Nation":

– The film revolves around social media and the internet. A small town has been hacked and more and more information is being disseminated. There are many, many miserable people and everything leads to madness.
