Bank: Winning Peter Wettergren Is John's Best Decision


GELENDZJIK. Confidence in the loss of the players, dedicated bet on a game idea, the captain is bound to Andreas Granqvist

The road to the finals of the World Cup is marked by good decisions

He returned the price and replaced it with Peter Wettergren.

Back to Gelendzhik, back to the heat and the sun, to Spartak Stadium and a sloppy stuffed cat that stretches against the walls and legs. When the national team slows down, one has the impression of seeing a new acquaintance:

– Have you … cut your hair? No? Dyed? Bought new clothes? No. But something is it, did you do something?

The poll that triggers:

Just that! You went to the quarterfinals of the World Cup!

A team that did it changed forever, no matter how familiar faces are. Recently, Ola Toivonen was a bench driver intimidated in Toulouse's sobriety, now he's a genius like the singer of the sunglass song. A few weeks ago, Gustav Svensson was an exciting travel story, now he's a midfield vacuum that slips Granit Xhaka.

Liberated from the FCK

Everything is as usual and everything is new.

– We have not changed much in the way we play so I am honest, that is to say that we are pushing different things for different matches.

Peter Wettergren shrugged

When the union introduced Janne Andersson as a new federation in 2016 for all parties "an absolute self-esteem" to have an assistant federation as part of the leadership.

I wrote that I very much believed Peter Wettergren in this role, and he did it. He jumped a position filled with status at FC Copenhagen to become an assistant in a national team very few have seen a future for.

But here he is now. In the quarter-finals It comes from a cross-country win against Switzerland, has downloaded matches with England in the computer, a return flight, a fast-burger in the restaurant of the hotel then in bed.

No, he did not see it before him two years ago.

– No, I did not see it. It was then messy in the head, many had stopped, the big question was how to play. How could we get it together? How would we do it?

But they knew exactly what they would do, all the time.

At FCK Wettergren was responsible for the game of attack, but in the national team, they would do it. Define the basics, organize the game of defense and, above all, create a work climate based on participation and loyalty. Play the cards correctly, even if they have the worst hand.

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Peter Wettergren and Janne Andersson in the eighth final against Switzerland

Now, Swedish fans are singing the name of Janne Andersson, they should sing Peter Wettergren even though he himself should hate it.

It does not matter what players you talk to, everyone is praying unreservedly for their work. When looking for symbols around this national team, it is perfect;

I do not think we can overestimate its significance for this success.

Sweden is so confident in its game idea that she can send Jakob Johansson or Gustav Svensson to get them. To look like World Cup stars, they can let Toivonen and Berg enjoy their intelligent eyes to play as a midfielder and scorer.

Safety, security, security. Clarity, Clarity, Clarity.

– Then you can see it with Trends in the World Cup, the little that I saw then … you know this debate we had in Sweden about the possession of football. It is not like that. It reverses everything. They belong to teams, they do not train enough for a long game of defense.

Does it work better in the club team?

– Yes, they run every day. Take Spain, who kicked his coach and who started again, I'm not surprised that they went out.

The cat is asleep, but it's still interesting to talk about football. I've always liked talking to Peter Wettergren. I wonder if part of the national football team is facing other football cultures, such as meeting with non-European strategies of Mexico.

– Yes, it's really interesting. You learn a lot. I did not think Mexico had its ability against us, and we can fight for it. I am fascinated by their style of play.

"The underdogs again … so good"

Sweden beat South Korea, faced Germany and dominated Switzerland – but the match of Mexico says more about the tactics of Janne Andersson and Peter Wettergren's skill. It was in this match that they showed tactical flexibility when they chose to play at 20 meters higher pressure.

– Yes, definitely. But there should be a big deal for our attackers, we had a very good dividend.

On Saturday, Sweden plays the quarterfinals of the World Cup, you will see a tight 4-4-2 yellow fight to cut where central corridors like New England like to play. You'll see Marcus Berg running for two and Andreas Granqvist is stuck with Harry Kane.

You will see a Swedish national team that has reinforced its traditional football culture and an English team that has broken much of it.

Peter Wettergren says he has a lot of respect for Gareth Southgate, that Sweden will have to tighten things up in his game and that England is of course favorite.

– But … which match were we favorites in? Italy, Holland, France, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland? If we are losers again … well. READ ELSEWHERE

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