Banquet instructor on the heat – after the death of the horse on the triple trip


The Miss Bubbly horse fell together and died on the track during the first day of the Trippel yesterday. But no cause of death is yet to be determined.

– You can not say it now, but the horse is sent for autopsy and you will finally have an answer. There may be different reasons and we can not wonder what the reason is, "says Björn Sandgren, baneveterinary at Axevalla.

Sandgren noticed the situation when Miss Bubbly lay down and went straight to the scene, but her life did not work.

Heat No Likely Cause

After death, it was speculated, among other things, on social media that heat could be a contributing factor. However, it's something that Sandgren does not believe.

– The horses tolerate the heat very well and tolerate the cooling very well. I do not think you should think that heat has contributed to that. We see such sudden deaths all year round, we can say if you look at all the paths where this happens.

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The weather speaks of the glorious sun and the sun. temperatures around 30 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday, when the Stochampion weekend continues. During the weather the weather was similar.

– True, it was hot yesterday, but no extreme heat. So for that reason, I do not think you need to believe it.

– In our Swedish conditions, it is hot below 30 degrees. In other countries like the United States and Australia, you are competing when it is much hotter, without problems.

No individual testing

No individual health check is carried out on the horses in the track. The animal care program, Travarhälsan, selects a smaller proportion of horses by looking at them more closely. During Friday, that meant a dozen 150 horses, according to Sandgren.

– The horses will otherwise receive a summary inquiry so that you have no contact with each individual. You can see the horses moving on the volts before they reach the track, and on the track. However, there is no health check of each horse.

ALSO READ: After the death of a horse on Axevalla – it is happening now

– The coach is responsible for the recovery of the horse. So it's different from the stables to the stalls. The first part is very accurate with the temperature, the pulse and many others, while others run more easily.

The last horse died at Axevalla in 2016 when Red Monkey – led by Björn Goop – collapsed on Saturday. 19659002] – Looking at a path like Axevalla, perhaps all the others, every three years. Across the country, it varies between three and eight at all levels throughout the year.

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The number is not so much how much begins, but it's unpleasant every time. [ad_2]
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