Barack Obama calls Donald Trumps theory to lie


Barack Obama accused the republics of Friday and Donald Trump of trying to make voters believe that he was suddenly concerned about the prisoner party of people with chronic diseases "when they made the decision to abolish health reform.

Obama then targeted Obamacare and Donald Trump have repeatedly promised to tear each other apart.

– Let's call it by its real name, it's a lie. Obama lied to you, Obama said in a speech in Miami on Friday.

Donald Trump has said several times in recent weeks how much he cared about people with chronic diseases.

"We will always protect you," he said in a poll in Philadelphia early October.

In fact, have Donald Trump has promised to ensure that insurance companies can pay more for those who suffer from diseases such as asthma, diabetes or cancer, instead of forcing them to treat them equally , writes the Washington Post.

The problem of chronic disease treatment is the biggest problem of mid-term elections for 14 percent of US voters, writes Vox.

During his speech in Miami, Obama also warned against the way Donald Trump exercises his power, the former president having called this policy "a policy based on divisions".

"I hope we can penetrate the lies, eliminate the noise and remind us who we really are," Obama said.

Barack Obama called Donald Trump's threat to send 15,000 troops to the Mexican border to arrest 1,500 people heading to the United States for a "political jippo".

"It's an old trick, the powerful and the privileged take one when they start losing control of their situation.

Obama hardened at repeatedly protesters and in the end he asked them:

– How are those who won the last election still angry?

During the day Donald Trump returns to an attack on the media, which he often referred to as "enemy of the people". This time, he accused the US media of being the direct cause of the trapped letters, the shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue and similar violence in recent weeks.

– You create violence. You create it by not writing the truth. If the media told the truth, we would have much less violence in the country, said Trump at a brief press conference Friday.

A description that sparked strong criticism from Republican Senator Jeff Flake, the president's famous critic:

– It's wrong to say that. It does not do anything to reduce the violence. It's just wrong to remind the media that this is wrong, Flake said in an interview with CNN.

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