Barcelona hijacks the Malcom store in Rome | Aftonbladet


Earlier this Monday, French Ligue 1 club Bordeaux announced that their breaststroke Malcom was ready for a move to Rome.

But now the case seems to be taking place.

After Barcelona, ​​he tried to sign Malcom instead.

Everything was almost clear. Yes, he probably believed the most, including Bordeaux. On the twitter French club, it was read that an agreement was reached that brass Malcom would move to Rome.

But Mario Giunta, Sky Sport reporter, writes that the case is ongoing

The reason?

Barcelona should have entered the negotiation process with its own offer, even though it already seemed to have been an agreement between Bordeaux and Rome. The player should have gone to Rome to sign the contract, but it is now reported that the trip was canceled.

The entry of Barcelona into the store would have made Rome completely furious and it remains to be seen what is happening at the top of the infectious transfers

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