Bayerske Weber – next camp in Brussels? – Pages


Manfred Weber (born in Landshut on July 14, 1972) is since 2014 the head of the most important political group in the European Parliament, the Christian Democrat-Conservative Democratic Party, which includes Swedish moderates and Christian Democrats.

Weber is a graduate engineer belonging to the Bavarian Christian Democrat Party CSU, a party related to Chancellor Angela Merkels CDU.

He became a member of the European Parliament in 2004, while he was also Regional President of the Joint Union of Youth CSU and CDU, Union Junge. Since 2015, he is also one of five CSU deputy party leaders.

Facts: They can take over in the EU

President of the European Commission (currently Jean-Claude Juncker) – proposed by the Heads of State and Government by qualified majority, "taking into account" the results of the recent European elections. Then officially elected by the European Parliament. If candidates from Heads of State or Government do not obtain a majority in Parliament, a new proposal must be submitted. According to the opinion of the European Parliament on this subject, the president must be one of the personalities presented as the highest candidate of the party in the European elections.

Until now, the best candidates are the German Manfred Weber for the conservative Christian EPP, as well as the Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans for the Social Democratic S & D. Liberala Alde, including the centers and the Liberals, has not yet taken a stand for its main candidate, although Denmark's Commissioner for the European Union, Margrethe Vestager, has received significant support.

The other names mentioned as possible candidates for a compromise, unless the heads of state or government wish to choose a prime candidate, are, for example, Michel Barnier, French negotiator of broker relations, and the president. Lithuanian, Dalia Grybauskaite.

Facts: President of the European Commission since 1977

The following people – all people with ministerial experience – President of the European Commission for 40 years:

1977-1981: Roy Jenkins, United Kingdom (former Minister of the Air, Finance and Interior)

1981-85: Gaston Thorn, Luxembourg (Prime Minister 1974-1979)

1985-95: Jacques Delors, France (former Minister of Finance)

1995-99: Jacques Santer, Luxembourg (Prime Minister 1984-95)

1999-2004: Romano Prodi, Italy (Prime Minister 1996-98 and 2006-08)

2004-14: José Manuel Barroso, Portugal (Prime Minister 2002-04)

2014-: Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg (Prime Minister 1995-2013)

Footnote: Santer having been forced to resign following a vote of confidence, the Commission was headed by Spanish Commissioner Manuel Marín in the summer of 1999.

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