Bethesda excuses for the removal of a bug in Fallout 76 betan


As usual, the Bethesda game is bigger and freer than anything else, and with so many different combinations, of course, more mistakes will happen. Therefore, their games initially suffer from a number of major problems, which are then solved slowly but safely. However, before launching Betan's Fallout 76, the situation seemed worse than usual and Bethesda's got noticed by some spectacular bugs.

And they did not exaggerate. Several people have reported that the complete 50 gigabyte client can be deleted without prior notice for the PC and that it needs to be reloaded. And apparently, it's hard to find the reason why, so now, Bethesda's boss, Pete Hines, has personally published an excuse in a Twitch feed, where he said:

"More difficult to see what's happening at that time. There are a lot of people who miss the skin, the men of Samme tid ogå gi folk and they are always looking for .Og people so we have encountered problems that we honestly have not thought of. "

Criticism, Hines also says that it's not "is going to be the last bump on the road"which means we can count on more noise and bugs in the future. Hines ends by apologizing to the victims:

"Apologies to all those who had to download these files But, you know, I'm here to tell you: it will not be the last shock on the road, and I hope we will continue to smooth them out, but reality Det er helt klart, at vi ikke kan løse dem, men også atlette folk og ha det gøy. "

Have you had any problems with Fallout 76 Betan, and are you surprised at how that has been?

Fallout 76

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