Bianca Ingrosso reveals a new relationship with Phillipe


Bianca Ingrosso, 23, openly stated that she had already been very jealous in her relationship with Phillipe Cohen. Recently, she told him in the podcast "Alice & Bianca – Did you say A, you can tell B" that she runs with Alice Stenlöf, that she overcame jealous time.

But in a new episode of the podcast, the profile that jealous illness has now returned. Phillipe Cohen, who recently graduated after studying in Britain for four years, will soon start a new job and in the podcast section, Bianca Ingrosso says she's concerned that he meet friends at work.

– I swear to my god to find him a better girlfriend, I will repair to get fired. No, I'm kidding, but it will be difficult, I believe, she said in the episode.

Alice Stenlöf then says a bit honest to think if Phillipe Cohen would have a nice colleague on the new job. The profile of the television explains that she just panics the thought

– No, no, no, no. I'm panicking now, she says.

READ MORE: Warning of Bianca Ingrosso after Phillipe's intimate encounters

Got Tampas with his jealousy

Bianca Ingrosso, 23 years old, and Phillipe Cohen, 24, has been a couple for years and has become a newcomer recently. But last year, Cohen finished and they began to meet others. The break, however, lasted only a few months, and Bianca Ingrosso recounted the difficulties in overcoming her jealousy about the girls Cohen met during the break.

"I can not help right now, I have a jealousy about it, that I compared myself and that I created an incredible hate. I've questioned everything what I can promise! I cheated, broke, cried and I did everything to "hurt" with the idea that he had been with others, she writes on her blog.


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