Big Iceberg Threatens Greenland – Villagers Evacuate for Fear of Flooding | foreign


A huge iceberg penetrated and stuck next to the village of Innaarsuit, in the west of Greenland. If the iceberg is broken, it can launch a tide against the company.

The village of Innaarsuit, on the island of the same name, has only 169 inhabitants. Yesterday, people living closer to the water were invited to move with relatives and more distant acquaintances, because of the risk of flooding.

"It is feared that the iceberg may calve and send a tide to the village," a spokesman for the Greenland police told Danish Radio.

According to local politicians, cities are worried

– We are used to big icebergs, but we have never seen much before, said MP Susanna Eliassen KNR media on Friday.

Should she be calved or run away?

The Eliassen report that crevasses and holes in the iceberg appear to increase the risk that the iceberg will break or buck as one would call it.

that the wind direction is good and that there is hope that the iceberg will deplete again.

But it's the nature that determines and it's hard to tell when those who have left their homes can come back.

Some experts warn that climate change may increase the risk of iceberg hazards – such as tidal waves.

Sources: AFP, DR, BBC

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