BILDEXTRA: The new Najaden inaugurated in Halmstad – News in Halmstad – 24 hours a day


Kulturhuset naiad has now been opened. Thursday night, the first of the cultural house, which will present in the future all kinds of music and other types of cultural events, was presented. Already, the interest for Najaden is great, who is the head of culture Ulf Fembro could certify in the opening number.

– We have requests for events in 2020. It's absolutely amazing, says Ulf Fembro.

Najaden is located in Söder, in the building where Hallandsposten used to be. Lennart Dahlström, one of the guests of the evening, knows it very well. He worked on the magazine for 20 years.

– Then the floor looked different. Yes, a lot of things have changed here. This has really improved, says Lennart Dahlström.

The first guest a concert of classical music. Duon Magnus Holmander and Irina Serotyuk, former laureate of the Young and Promising contest in 2017, offered pumping and obedience sounds, so make sure the 24Halmstad gang reporter has long hair.

Before the concert Your Patric Aurell was curious about how acoustics would be in the new home of culture compared to the old.

– Why am I so curious about acoustics? Because this concert hall has good conditions for a great sound, he says.

L & # 39; acoustics? It hosted the new Halmstad Cultural Center to be raised.

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