Björn af Kleen: the exit of the United States aggravates the relations with Europe


The nuclear deal that Donald Trump abolished marked the beginning of the Cold War.

The agreement was signed between Ronald Reagan and Michael Gorbachev in 1987.

In practice, this meant that all robots with a range between 500 and 5,500 km would be deleted.

According to the British newspaper The Guardian abandoned Russia has about 2,700 robots thanks to this agreement, known as Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF). This relieved the European continent and opened the way for further negotiations and disarmament between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Drums mention two reasons for repeal:

First, the United States considers that Russia has consistently broken the agreement and, in practice, has already made it obsolete.

Secondly, Trumpregering hawks mean that the agreement binds the United States to the fight against China. The United States, arguing government officials, can not develop the weapons they need to protect their military bases, trade and allies in Asia.

Trump also suggests strategic benefits of abolition, a way to get a diplomatic takeover in Russia and China. Trump told reporters Sunday morning, Swedish time:

"If Russia does not come to us and China comes to us, everyone comes to us and says," Let's be capricious and do not help the development of these weapons "… but Russia and China (continue of) do it while we hold it is unacceptable, so we have a huge amount of money to play in our armed forces.

The cancellation can be interpreted as a confirmation of John Bolton's growing influence in the White House. Trumps mustaschprydde security advisor is an enemy of all that conventional diplomacy and international agreements are called.

The message of the UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, that it ends on New Year, has strengthened the sovereignty of Bolton's position in the administration. John Bolton is currently in Moscow for deliberations with his Russian counterparts, who apologize to the United States to cancel INF. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov calls the measure "very dangerous". Gorbachev, the leader who signed the agreement, says: "Do not they understand what it could lead to?"

The diplomatic world reacted strongly to the message, which Trump probably meant and perhaps even hoped for. In a joint statement, other NATO leaders said the agreement was crucial for Euro-Atlantic security and that they were determined to try to preserve it.

Malcolm Chalmers, Deputy Chief of the British Refugees, RUSI, engaged in defense and security studies, told the Guardian that the withdrawal of the United States could trigger the deepest crisis of arms control at the international level since the years 1980. "If the INF agreement falls into the trap … the world will be able to produce unrestricted nuclear weapons for the first time since 1972," he said.

The resurrection recalls the constraints of Trump's diplomacy. As usual, the US president has been able to keep pace with Putin and hopes that this underestimation will facilitate bilateral relations between countries. This does not seem to have worked out as planned with Russia (or elsewhere with Saudi Arabia).

Alexandra Bell, earlier Employed by the United States University and expert at the Center for the Control of Armaments and Non-Proliferation, he told the Guardian: "What shocks me is that this president, who repeats to did not succeed in preserving Reagan's nuclear policy He did nothing with his relationship with Putin Negotiating solutions could have solved this agreement, but he did not succeed . "

The collapse of the INF could jeopardize Trumpregering's position in the negotiations with North Korea, said Alexandra Bell. "Why would the North Koreans have reason to believe in an agreement with this president when Bolton whispered to him in the ear."

John Bolton's tough foreign policy has already ensured US negotiations with North Korea, when Bolton, like North Korea, is looking at Libya, a collapsed state whose leader is disguised.

The American exit worsens deepen relations between the United States and Europe, the countries that the agreement has made safer. In Nikki Haley, an American diplomat could communicate with the outside world. Defense Secretary James Mattis once again assured the former allies that the United States is still with them. But Matti's future in government is uncertain. The increased unpredictability is with John Bolton on Trump's side.

Read more:

Russia calls Trump's message "very dangerous"

Donald Trump repeals historic accord on disarmament

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