Björnstad has left the television channel – his goal is now to return | Gothenburg after


A little over a year ago, Ida Björnstad chose to resign from her position at C More and TV4. She then moved with her boyfriend Mattias Ekholm, an NHL player, who belonged to the Nashville Predators.

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Earlier this year, the couple also became the father of William's son. Ida Björnstad is now a mother, but tells Expressen that she is starting to want to work again and that it will be a return to Swedish television.

– I have very good business in fact. I have not landed exactly what I want to do, but I feel safe and fun not to wait for unemployed maternity leave, "she told the paper, before continuing:

"Nashville has teams in the NHL and the NFL and there are other teams all the time, so it's a rewarding safety situation, and we're worried about what's going to happen after the maternity leave. , I do not have anything under the presidency.I have chosen to break my career and move abroad.

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But it will only be after the turn of the year that Ida Björnstad will be orphaned until next year. Then the career will resume.

"For me, it's really important to work in. People feel good about having a job and an affair in everyday life," she says.

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