Black comedy with Schyffert and Rheborg



Black comedy with Schyffert and Rheborg

Three long-time friends and an all-white painting: this is the starting point of the piece "Art" to be played in Stockholm this spring. The roles are done by Johan Rheborg, Henrik Schyffert and Per Andersson, and Edward de Sillén is the director.

The reasons why men communicate so badly will be solved in the performance "Art", where Johan Rheborg, Per Andersson and Henrik Schyffert play with three old friends. Press picture.picture: Morgan Norman

The performance "Art" by award-winning playwright Yasmina Rezas has been performed on both Broadway and the West End. In the spring, the Swedish public has the chance to see Rival's funny and thoughtful story in Stockholm. "Art" is about three men and a wholly white board. Male friendship and the inability to communicate properly are not a foreign territory for Johan Rheborg and Henrik Schyffert.

"It's also been over 20 years that we're talking about friendship, ranging from" Nile city "to" Ben & Gunnar. "It's a recurring thing, and now we're doing it again with" Art. " ", maybe Why are men so bad at communicating? This is a part of what we are going to dig, says Henrik Schyffert in a press release.

New in three, Per Andersson, a member of "Grotesco", seems very enthusiastic about playing with others.

"I belonged to the band who could quote them in the school yard, and now I can do something with the" real guys. "Ten years ago, I would have liked to be sorry and shit on me, but now it's really fun, "he said. comment.

"Art" will be premiered on February 23 at the Stockholm Rival and will be played in the spring of 2019. Tickets will be available from November 8th.

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