Bluff practitioners who cheated elderly women in Stockholm can reduce the punishment.


The man turned out to be a doctor and used information taken from patient records and misled people to put hundreds of thousands of crowns for special care and medication. The victims, the vast majority of older women, were selected as a result of internet searches and some victims lost up to $ 100,000.

About a third of the victims involved lived in the Stockholm Strait. The others were spread across the country. Several people lived in Sörmland, Småland or Gothenburg, but there are cases, for example, Skåne and Östergötland.

It is suspected that the fraud has been going on for at least a year and a half before the 45's man was arrested in London in 2017.

The offenses involved in the lawsuits were committed between January 2016 and May 2017. During this period, at least 615 cases were reported to the police with the same approach

. 75 of them are women.

Another person is suspected of being related to the business and detained earlier this year after an arrest in France.

Source: Gothenburg District Court, Public Prosecutor's Office

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