Boko Haram attack in Nigeria: more than 20,000 deaths in ten years


One of Boko Haram's worst attacks this summer took place on the same day Nigeria played its first World Cup match.

Two suicide bombers, two girls, found themselves in a group of celebrities in the city of Damboa. the state of Borno, and set off his explosive charges. As the wounded began to be taken care of, the next attack came. Boko Haram's Gero men fired directly on the group of people with a grenade gun. 43 people were killed in the attack and many were injured.

– I often feel depressed and depressed when I think of the situation in my hometowns, "says Kashim Shettima, governor of Borno, state of Nigeria where Boko Haram is rampant.

– Members of my family were attacked and were killed and abducted. This was difficult because my state-owned capital was encircled by Boko Haram. He has to travel ten kilometers outside the city to be in areas controlled by the terrorist group, he says.

The Solution: Reducing Poverty

Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" and is a group that began its attacks and guerrilla warfare in 2009. The attacks are often characterized by cruel cruelty and the strength of the group. girls who are often kidnapped are forced to choose between marriages with militiamen or suicide advocates.

The most famous abduction took place in April 2014 when 276 schoolgirls were taken away by the terrorist group. Many girls have been released or have managed to steal, but some 100 girls are still abducted and attacks on civilians continue despite the Nigerian government's promises that the group should be defeated.

Kashim Shettima does not believe that a military action can solve the situation.

– We must find other solutions if we do not want to be dragged into an endless war against them. Instead, it is about creating jobs and solving poverty.

Kashim Shettima reports that many people in Borno have lost their supplies since the important Chad Sea shrank due to climate change. According to many, it's an explanation of Boko Haram's growth.

Now it's important to find other jobs and give the young race future, he stresses.

– An angry young man is a dangerous animal.

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