Bolsonaro wins victory in Brazil


According to the Brazilian media, Bolsonaro, 63, currently holds 55.49% of the vote. An attack that becomes impossible to collect for his opponent, the Labor Party Fernando Haddad.

Haddad had to 23:30, Swedish time, 44.51%, writes the newspaper O & # 39; Globo.

The numbers go very well with a survey released a few days ago. Bolsonaro received 56% and Haddad 44%.

Bolsonaro and his social-liberal party went to the polls to eliminate corruption and lower the country's high crime statistics. But many described Bolsonaro as right-wing extremists and expressed their courage to use torture against their political opponents, claiming to be an admirer of the military dictatorship that ruled the country between 1964 and 1985 .

Bolsonaro also wants give the police greater powers to shoot suspicious criminals and give people in the country more opportunities to buy their own weapons.

The Labor Party has ruled Brazil for 13 of the past 15 years.

Simultaneously with The presidential elections are held in Rio, where Wilson Witzel of the Christian Social Party PSC seeks to win Eduardo Paes from the Democrats.

Haddad was mayor of Rio de Janeiro in 2013-2017.

The article is being updated.

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