Bombman Cesar Sayoc had 100 names


Bomber Piper Cesar Sayoc, 56, had a list of 100 names in his van when he was arrested.

Now everyone should be contacted by the authorities.

This warns that more bombs could be routed to their intended recipients.

Until now, the authorities have discovered at least 15 packages containing homemade bombs related to Cesar Sayoc, 56, who calls in the United States the Maga bomber. The name comes from President Donald Trump's message "Make America Great Again" – abbreviated MAGA.

Most parcels were stopped en route to the addressees on Wednesday.

The latest was discovered on Monday and was heading to CNN headquarters in Atlanta.

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Here is Caesar Sayoc seized.

Tube bombs have been sent from Florida to politicians and the media with a clear message to Trump, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and former CIA President James Clapper.

Democrat politician Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of Florida, was a shipper and she also received a bombing package when the addressee's address was incorrect.

On Friday, Cesar Sayoc was arrested in his van outside Atlanta. With him, he had a list of 100 names. All these people should now be contacted by the authorities.

A source in the investigation indicates for CBS News that it is feared that not all bombing packages have yet reached their intended recipients.

The van, which was also the home of Floridabon Sayoc, also served as a bomb laboratory, according to CBS News.

There he should have made the bombs that should be made from a camera with a tube, wires and a battery. They should measure about 15 centimeters long and be packed with a powder and glass separator.

None of the bombs discovered to date have had a trigger mechanism. Cesar Sayoc, who was sentenced on Monday to a prison judge, said he had never intended to hurt anyone.

During the hearing, he should not have spoken. More than a few words to one of his sisters:

– I like you.

Since his arrest, a long series of details about 56-year-old hatreds against different minority groups have emerged. Those who were in his presence described Cesar Sayoc as being punctual, confused and simply hateful.

"He said that God had failed me and that I would burn in hell," says his former boss Debra Gureghian, a lesbian.

The family lawyer of the 56-year-old said his behavior was due to his many mental disorders.

– It's not like you and me. Something is missing, says lawyer Ron Lowy according to NBC News.

– He suffers from one or more mental illnesses that prevent him from behaving normally.

A family member told NBC News that the 56-year-old had used steroids and wondered if this could explain his bombing with a pipe pipe against Democratic politicians and famous critics of Trump.

The only problem he had was steroids. I remember that he loved steroids, says compared to NBC News.

Then the bomb police technician works 0:40

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