Bonnier News receives environmental financing from Google


The Bonnier News "Next" innovation program will create a fully customized news service. For this, the program receives $ 3 million from Google.

On Tuesday, European media received funding for the fifth round of the Google Digital News Innovation Fund.

One of the recipients became the Bonnier News "Next" innovation program, which receives more than three million crowns for a project to create a fully customized news service.

One of the methods is to offer a limited time-based selection The user wants to spend tailor-made for users' needs and preferences.

– The media must play a greater role in the development of the journalistic infrastructure of the future. Extreme personalization is one of our ways of exploring tomorrow's media consumption, Tomas de Souza, director of innovation strategy, Bonnier News, in the press release.

The project begins during the summer months.

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