Brexit: Britain slows freedom of movement – News (Ecotourism)


Shortly after lunch, the government in London finally presented its plan for the divorce of the EU

Britain among others stopped the free movement in the country in relation with the release of the EU, according to brexit plan. The country will no longer be under the obligation to comply with the precedent set by the European Court of Justice.

Much of what was presented on Thursday was known as before. Theresa Mays plan means a mild brexit, a divorce from the EU where the UK and the Union retain certain relationships. Among other things, Britain can maintain some access to the EU's internal market and create a kind of customs union with the EU, described as "very complicated" by Catherine Barnard, a professor European law at the University of Cambridge

on goods for the EU and then pay them to the EU. So, Theresa May wants an advanced free trade deal for the goods, she says.

The softer line gave British Prime Minister David Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson the opportunity to jump as well as two senior members of the MAY party. 19659003] But the Prime Minister's problem is not over yet. Even in Brussels, she can meet resistance. Several senior EU officials have pointed out that Britain should lower expectations on the close links it will have with the EU in the future.

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