Brian Kemp accuses Democrats of computer fraud in the Georgia Valley


Kemp, along with a secretary of state, an administrative director under the governor, opened an investigation and announced the appointment of his office. Some evidence of the allegations has not been presented.

Voter registration is a key issue in the southern state of the country where Kemp is facing Democrat Stacey Abrams, who could become the country's first black governor if she wins the elections on Tuesday. Abrams worked hard to mobilize black voters and get them to register to vote.

Democrats have long Kemp has accused Kemp of using his position to make registration more difficult and thus prevent minorities from exploiting their democratic rights. Kemp asserted that rigid rollers are needed to prevent cheating.

Democrats reject allegations of computer fraud.

– The shameful allegations of Brian Kemp are one hundred percent false. This political tip from Kemp just days before the elections is another example of why he is not trustworthy and should not be responsible for an election where he is himself a candidate says Chief Rebecca DeHart for Democrats in Georgia.

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