Britain opens for the work of the EU


The new Brexit Minister Dominic Raab on Thursday introduced the government's so-called White Paper to Parliament. He succeeded David Davis who, along with Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and another minister, left the government to protest the proposal of Prime Minister Theresa May

Former ministers believe that Britain is getting closer to the EU after Brexit. 19659002] The White Paper proposes that goods including agricultural products, continue to be freely traded between the United Kingdom and the EU. Thus, parties avoid a hard border on the Irish island. Other freedoms related to the EU's internal market (capital, services and people) will cease.

In the case of labor, the government states that EU citizens may be allowed to work without a visa in the UK for a limited period. defined frameworks. British citizens will have a corresponding right in the EU

The government's white paper is a way to speed up negotiations between the British and the EU. Dominic Raab will visit Brussels next week and meet with the EU boss manager, Michel Barnier

The latter writes on Twitter that the White Paper is being analyzed and looks forward to negotiations.

Dominic Raab has received a lot of criticism. in the House of Commons when he presented the White Paper. Several skeptical EU supporters in conservative conservatives have pointed to the White Paper, which means that the country still has to take into account the EU laws in some areas. From the more favorable opposition to the EU, social democratic work, it was said that the proposal will never be voted in Parliament.

The government's plan is to finalize an agreement on future relations this fall. This agreement will then be approved by the European Parliament and the 28 Member States before the departure of Britain on 29 March next year.

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