British Prime Minister Theresa May makes a statement on Brexit


To the question of how May is considering a suspicious vote and whether she will stay if she wins with one voice, Thérèse May responds.

"Leadership is about making the right decisions and not the easy decisions, and the question of whether I stay to wear this at the port, yes," said May.

May said repeatedly that the agreement now criticized gives the British people what they voted for in the June 2016 referendum. She also said that no one had proposed an alternative to the agreement.

– People voted to leave. My job was to bring this agreement to Parliament. It's now up to them to determine what's best for the job, security and their constituents, "said May.

"When people read the agreement, they will see that it gives what we want and I do not see a new referendum.

Under the following The press conference said that she thought that citizens now wanted a decision and reminded people that they had voted for the exit of the EU and that this should now be the focus of concern.

– It's a Brexit that meets the priorities of the British people. We did this for the best of the nation.

May defended each point and pointed out that the agreement did not make the border difficult between Northern Ireland and Ireland, but at the same time understood that she shared the point of view of some criticism on the border.

– Certainly, I understand that some criticize the compromises made. But if we do not go ahead with that, we do not know what consequences to expect.

May makes his statement after a hard day during which she received many critics and received many critical questions, critics of the opposition led by Jeremy Corbin, as well as from his own conservative party. And many asked if May would follow some of their ministers and resign as Prime Minister.

So it was not.

But May has already shown that it was a person who did not like to venture and, throughout the day, she unhesitatingly defended the agreement on the table and said it was the best result.

While May stands Still in the middle of the storm, have others already decided to leave.

British chief negotiator Dominic Raab, one of four ministers who resigned from the government on Thursday, called the deal "terrible". Raab seems to be replaced by Michael Gove, who will only get the contract if he manages to renegotiate the current contract, said Sky News.

"I did not appoint any new executive negotiator," May said at the press conference.

Critics say May has not given the country the Brexit promised in the June 2016 referendum.

At the same time, it is unclear whether there will be a suspicious vote on Theresa May. Until now, those who want such a failure have managed to gather a sufficient number of parliamentarians ready to question the Prime Minister's position, writes Bloomberg.

Britain is divided ahead of what is now on the Brexit. According to an opinion poll conducted by Sky News on Thursday, 54% of Britons are against Brexit and want to stay in the EU. 55% say you want a new referendum on the issue.

Brexit Attorney Nigel Farage at the 2010-2016 UKIP UKIP UK summit called Thursday the "worst deal ever".

On March 29, 2019, Britain leaves the EU – with or without agreement.

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