Brolle's actions are criticized: incredibly insensitive


At the same time, the star rejects all the information: "This is really not true!"

The performance of the Brolle Wallmark Festival on Friday was so delayed that other artists were forced to do their concerts.

He now receives a deep criticism of the musician Thobbe Englund

– He is not Elvis Presley. He's incredibly arrogant, he says.

On Friday, the summer celebration at Kalix came in one of his last days

One of the most important was Brolle Wallmark and his girlfriend Mimi Werner . But the long-awaited game had a bitter aftertaste.

Thobbe Englund former guitarist of Sabaton, who was to be on stage two hours after the piece of Brolles 22:

– It was very strange. At 10 pm my tour manager calls me and tells me that Brolle behaves like a mess. Even then you get nervous, what time will it be? We decide to wait.

– After 20 minutes we will discover that there is a party at the hotel. He likes to show up 50 minutes after the scheduled time. You take care of the forehead. It's incredibly arrogant. Incredibly insolent, says Thobbe Englund

1 of 4 | Photo: Janerik Henriksson / TT / TT NYBYRÅN


"You really wonder."

According to Englund, the organizer had asked Brolle to shorten his concert so that subsequent acts would not be delayed.

– Apparently, he literally did it. We arrive on stage 50 minutes late and Sky High, who drove in front of us, played for 27 minutes. I mean, traveling from Dalarna to Kalix for 27 minutes because someone does not like to go to the top of the stage …

Over the years, Englund has toured with many groups, but it's never been that way.

played with difficult personalities. Slash, Kiss, Megadeth, Rammstein. But I have never met that. You get on and off the stage when you go. It's so simple.

Brolle: "Be in my old school"

When Nöjesbladet passes Brolle by SMS, he strongly rejects the information. He believes the delay was due to a misunderstanding between him and his management.

"And I cut the gigget with 4 songs even though all the public wanted more !! I also explained if the organizer wanted to participate in my show, so that's all." is good if he wishes, but the audience was absolutely fantastic and I am happy and proud to play for the Kalix Republic, "writes Brolle

. He gave priority to a party at the hotel instead of starting the concert in time, he replied as follows:

"This is really not true! I was at my old Kalix Naturbruksgymnasium school and showed to my parents.Then Englund salutes that he is the father of the lie (insult) .I stood under the shower when my direction rang at 9:45 pm and said that I was on stage at 10pm and I was absolutely sure that it was 10:30 pm. "

" This looks like a retrospective "

This explanation is not at all bought by Thobbe Englund [19659005IreallydonotthinksoItlookslikearetrospectiveHewasthemostawareofwhatwashappeningHehasatourleaderwhomakessureeverythingistakencareof

The two have had no contact since the incident.

– And I do not see any need to contact him. We moved to the same music circles and you were always happy that it was good for him. I was anxious to see it but it was really a flop. Instead, he is angry at him

– The most embarrassing thing for him was that the last group had to pack their bags and go home without playing. This will be the consequences if we take up too much space this way. He's not Elvis Presley and although he was like that … he did not even work for Axl Rose in the early 90s, says Englund.

The Nöjesblad sought the organizer of the Summer Festival in Kalix for a comment.

Three Scandals in the World of Entertainment 2018 01:01

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