Bron's Noréns Porsche Saga sold for 1.6 million


1 of 2 | Photo: Carolina Romare

The Saga Norén Olive Green Porsche is now sold.

The Porsche 911 S of the television series "Bron" of Saga Norén was sold at auction

Money now gives thousands of people in the poorest countries of drinking water

– for such a profit even after the Bron, "says actor Sofia Helin in a press release.

In all seasons of the TV series "Bron", the character Saga Norén, played by Sofia Helin ran in a green Prosche 911 S of 1977.

Now the most police car famous Sweden "Was auctioned in favor of WaterAid.It is an organization that works to improve access to drinking water, toilets and hygiene in the countries The poorest in the world.

Sofia Helin is a WaterAid ambassador, and in a press release from the organization she said at auction:

– Sagas Porsche is not not just a big part of my life as an actor but also Swedish television. History. It's really very amusing that this iconic car can be very useful even after Bron.Last winter, j & r I traveled with WaterAid to Cambodia and saw their incredible difference with their own eyes. Money that WaterAid will auction, they will reach thousands of people in the world's poorest communities with clean water.

Famous movie car brings $ 1,656,869 to the Bonham Festival of Speed ​​Sale in Goodwood, UK.

Proceeds from the sale are donated to WaterAid by Filmlance International and Nimbus Film, which produces "Bron".

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