Bug in the new iPhone XS and XS Max – make your selfies more beautiful


Are you one of those who have already bought Apple's latest iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max? If so, have you noticed that your skin is more beautiful in the "selfie camera" than in the mirror? And that, even if you do not have a filter.

The new Apple phone actually contains a bug that makes your skin smoother and more "fuzzy", writes Daily Mail.

Bug in the HDR system

The error is due to a bug in the phone's HDR system, which affects the quality of the image.

The idea of ​​HDR is to make the image more realistic and capture as much as possible what it actually looks like.

Something that Apple has totally failed.

The new iPhone phones feature the "Smart-HDR" feature that will help the camera capture clear, dark details and more color. But instead, the phone retouches the image and the users do not look like reality.

New update

Apple has confirmed the existence of an error in newly launched phones and that the problem of selfie camera would disappear when updating a new software.

When users switch to iOS12.1, the phone's HDR system selects the best frame for the selfie card and retouching disappears, writes Daily Mail.

Users testify

A number of people who bought the new phone testify that the camera really changes their face and makes the skin smoother. One of all is Lewis Hilsenteger, which has the popular Youtube channel "Unbox Therapy".

"I think you see what I see." On iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, it's like a strange, smooth feature, he says in a video on Youtube.

And even if it has disabled the "Smart HDR" function of one of the phones, it indicates that the camera has retouched his face. He chooses to call it "Secret Beauty Mode".

Nyheter24 has already written about other bugs of the new iPhone. You can read more about it!

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