Build the wall otherwise the device will turn off


On Sunday, Donald Trump renewed the threat of closure of the state apparatus during a so-called closure unless the wall against Mexico was built. "I would be ready to" close "the state apparatus unless the Democrats give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall! Finally must move to a merit-based migration system Donald Trump on Twitter

The US President has already closed the federal government twice this year and a poll of the Washington Post and ABC News showed that voters are holding Donald Trump and Republicans

The president's threats may cost Republicans in favor of the mid-November elections when the party defends a slim majority of 51 out of 100 seats in the Senate. 39, Federal state are closed, thousands of employees and potential voters are affected by interruptions of public service.

However, a Republican strategist and a former leader of the Mais On White, Andy Surabian, in an interview with the Washington Post, said Sunday that the president's hard line in the migration issue is, on the contrary, strategic.

"There is no question about the presidential election base more than about migration: talking about migration will help motivate Republicans to run in November," he said. .

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