Calgary can proceed with the application of the operating system – after the turn at the eleventh hour – P4 Stockholm


On Tuesday, the 14-member committee of the SE of Calgary voted in favor of withdrawing the city's bid for the Winter Olympics in 2026 – because they did not agree with the government of the country on the financing of games. Something that would leave Stockholm and Milan in the fight to get the operating system.

But last night, there was a turn at the eleventh hour. Then their operating systems companies announced that they had reached an agreement with the province and the government of the country regarding the financing of the event.

That's why it's all Suddenly uncertain of the outcome of the vote of today 's assembly.

However, even if later in the day, the Council decides to respond to the request, it is not certain that Calgary will remain in the game when a final request is submitted to the IOC in April.

November 13th is supposed that a referendum on the arena would take place in town, if the demand is not withdrawn already today.

"I know City Council understands how important it is for Calgary, to know what is at stake here, to show leadership and to allow the people of Calgary to decide if we need to do the research. of the operating system and the Paralympic games in a referendum, "said Scott Hutcheson, president of the OS company, according to foreign media reports.

In addition to Calgary, Stockholm is and Milan as well as Cortina still participate in the match in the OS 2026. But Stockholm does not enjoy the support of the new political council in town and Milan still does not benefit from any state aid.

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