Can hope that the Trump meeting increases trade


On Thursday, what was called the most controversial American presidential visit began in Britain. Trump is unloved by much of the British population and many believe that it should not be at all, although a sizeable proportion also accepts the visit in a pragmatic way. However, they will drink tea with the queen, according to a poll of the Yougov opinion institute.

The visit to the national leader who believes he has a special relationship with the United States comes so late under Trump's presidency. But now, Trump has finally landed for a "work visit," more obscure than pompous state visits. For the British prime minister, Theresa May, in the midst of turbulence, is at stake. Stuck up after the chaos of the government, she needs a success

What is May wants to come out of the visit? May has repeatedly stressed that she wanted to cultivate and strengthen the special relationship between countries that has been spoken of since the Second World War when Winston Churchill made this statement in a speech. Especially after Britain's departure from the EU, it is crucial for Britain to intensify its contacts with the United States, May believes.

The hope is, among other things, to raise trade between the two countries. In this context, a series of British and American business peaks are invited when on Thursday evening, in May, a dinner will be held at Blenheim Castle, where Winston Churchill was born.

– This week we have the opportunity to deepen the unique business relationship and begin discussions on how we can end an improved and ambitious business relationship in the future, May said before the meeting. until here was not completely painless and the question is how the "special" relationship is. Both are generally described as having a dysfunctional relationship. Mays visit to the White House after Trump was elected president did not testify to any major personal chemistry and in telephone conversations it is said that Trump constantly interrupts May. In addition, they had different opinions on a number of issues. May protested against Trump's protectionist trade policy, that he left the Iran Accord and the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. At the same time, the US president was not particularly encouraging against May when he received questions about the government crisis that shook the British government a few days ago. On the question of May may remain as prime minister, Trump replied "it is up to the people to decide". And when he received questions about Boris Johnson, who resigned as Foreign Minister to protest against Brexit's latest plan, Trump responded that he has always loved Johnson, a man who speculates to come to challenge May on the leadership of the party.

The protests do not seem to worry Trump. At a press conference after the NATO meeting, he confidently stated that the British liked him very much. They share his point of view about immigration, he argued and thought that's why they voted for Brexit. On one question he thinks that a hard Brexit is better, he replied:

– I say that Brexit is Brexit. People have voted to leave and I think they will, but maybe it takes a little bit the same direction. I just want people to get what they voted for.

May and Trump will also discuss enhanced cooperation in military policy and security. Among other things, they will be involved when an anti-terrorist exercise is conducted jointly by US and British military.

Trump's visit will be surrounded by an expensive security betrayal. The bill is expected to reach tens of millions of pounds. Not since the raids in 2011, so many police have been set up. The protests should be extended. Even during the weekend visit to Scotland, considered private, Trump will be met by the protesters. Here Trump has planned to tour his private golf course, including golfer Prince Andrew. Now the militants are trying to disturb the peace and have asked permission that the imaginative giant Trump to float in Parliament on Friday morning will also lift the green in Scotland.

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