Carina Bergfeldt gives you three answers: Therefore, the middle-age elections in the United States are interesting


Measure Trump's popularity

The mid-term elections can be seen as a referendum on President Trump. The latest figures show that Democrats are likely to win the majority in the House of Representatives, but that Republicans can retain a majority in the Senate and win other seats.

Carina Bergfeldt:

"The most important topics are Trump, Trump, Health, Immigration.The President acts as he sits on the ballot.Trump is very clear that a Republican voice is a voice on him, and He has both twitter and says that anyone voting on a democrat is crazy.In the end, he has organized more campaign meetings than any other president in an interim election of modern times.

Take the breath on the political climate

Voter turnout provides insight into how the political climate has changed. In the middle of 2014, 36% of voters went to the polls. In the presidential elections, half of the voters usually participate.

Carina Bergfeldt:

"Voters are very committed on both sides.The figures show that voter enthusiasm is over 70 years old, and those who are passionate about Trump want to vote for the policies that he drives, and those who are Trump enthusiasts do not want to see a reprint of 2016.

The appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court commits. The Conservatives are very unhappy that it has been badly treated by the Democrats. Democratic women, meanwhile, see a threat to their right to rule over their bodies, and a man accused of sexual assault and who is still seeking a high-level position.

May affect presidential decisions

Until now, Trump's Republican Party has secured a majority in both houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Those with the majority can block laws, assign judges and appoint investigations.

Carina Bergfeldt:

"If the Democrats get a majority in the House of Representatives, they can start the trial of President Trump if they find a crime." But it's unlikely. "It takes 67 judges to try a national court president. , and this figure does not come true, but Democrats can use a 100-year-old law to impose presidential statements, which he refused to show.

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