Carl Bildt will attack SD's plans for swexit


Visby. Swedish Democrats call on Sweden to vote in favor of leaving the EU for the next term

Former Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (M) calls the idea of ​​dangerous [19659002] – SD wants to throw us into a British morass, it's the biggest danger for the development of Sweden's prosperity in the future, he said.

A little over two years ago, the British voted for Britain to leave the EU. Brexit, as it was called, hit like a bomb across Europe. But among the EU's opponents across Europe, including Sweden, there was also a hope that more countries would follow.

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Recently, Swedish Democratic leader Jimmie Åkesson announced that the party wanted a referendum on the Swedish exit from the EU – swexit – as of the next mandate.

– We pay a lot of money and get a lot of money back. But the main reason is ideological: we will not be in a united union, said Åkesson to Dagens Industri.

"A Dangerous Idea"

The outlook has been severely criticized by many. Carl Bildt (M), former Foreign Minister and Foreign Minister, goes so far as to say that it is too dangerous.

– This is not just a bad idea, it's a dangerous idea. First, the EU has a major impact on political stability in most of Europe. Secondly, it is crucial for our economy.

Bildt continues:

– SD wants to throw us into a British morass, it's the biggest danger for the development of Sweden's prosperity in the future, he says. 19659004] Before the referendum on EU membership, large sections of the Swedish left campaigned against a connection. But there have been criticisms in many places today. Instead, it is the Swedish Democrats who are pushing the hardest way out.

– The Left Party may still be ready to leave, but Jonas Sjöstedt may be threatened with something to say to him. It's a position that has begun to flow from the left. Then he appeared more to the right, while it's more about the nationalist forces who think that everything is foreign is dangerous, says Carl Bildt

"huge advantage"

threat between the 39 EU and the United States, he also believes that Swedes should be particularly happy for EU membership.

– You should obviously be concerned about the development of trade. But we have the huge advantage that we are in the EU. If we had been returned to the United States, there would have been more misery. Trump tries to conclude bilateral agreements with individual countries, and rejects all the nations of the EU.

Mikael Eriksson, the chief of staff of Jimmie Åkesson, responds to the criticism:

– The negative attitude of Carl Bildt with respect to a swexit n & n Is not unexpected, she was largely part of it. his government that pushed for EU membership. It should also be remembered that Bildt has also campaigned for Sweden 's membership of the euro, which many are now happy not to get rid of.

He also says:

– The Swedish Democrats, of course, want to see good cooperation and trade relations. But we do not believe in the supranational union in which the EU has developed, where more power is being transferred from individual member states to bureaucrats in Brussels. Even Carl Bildt should be able to see that the EU today is something other than what we once joined.

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