Charlotte Perrelli about the appearance of So better better



Charlotte Perrelli is mocked for her appearance.

In the evening, "All the better", she tells her verbal hopes on social media and columnists.

"You have to be some type of person to sleep well at night when you have written such things," says Charlotte Perrelli at Nöjesbladet.

In his autobiography "The Girl from Småland" writes Charlotte Perrelli On several occasions, when she was criticized for her appearance, she also speaks frankly during her day in "So Better Better".

It started immediately after the breakthrough, when she won the 1999 Melodifestival with "Thousand and One Night".

"Then hugged Bert (Karlsson, the red note) about me behind the stage and everything felt like the top says. Until the next day, some newspapers wrote about things that had nothing to do with music or my appearance. The worst was enough Linda Skugge as in Expressen wrote: "Why do you want to look like a Playboy girl, Charlotte, with a cock sucking?" make. She felt that I looked like a fist and so blame me if she-as she-spotted, "she writes" The Småland Girl ".

Even after the second win at the Melodifestival, in 2008 with "Hero", Charlotte was exposed to appearance.

"I had lost so much weight on arriving at Eurovision that somebody wrote that I looked like the daughter of Donatella Versace."

Biting together

And other examples are reproduced in the book.

"I'm so tired of the chronicles that are hiding behind the possibility of writing a column where the newspaper does not have to take responsibility for it.You have to be some type of person to sleep well at night when you you have written such things, no one can be so stupid that he does not understand that one is affected.

But Charlotte Perrelli refuses to bend.

"The only chance you have is to bite and be a little stronger.It does not help if I go to bed and scream, kick, cry and be cursed or feel unjustly treated.

But is it never for you?

– Then it came to me. It was not just me who had to wear it. When Mom and Dad went to Konsum, they were ashamed because there were a lot of strange things in the newspapers about me. It was crazy to be 24 years old, to be a singer and to focus on his artistic talent while being forced to make people feel great.

Today, however, she finds that the climate is different – while power has changed. Elaka's words and comments are now flourishing on social media, where everyone can touch the theme hat.

"At that time, you just had to make up a little too much so that you would be called" hora. "It's not today, no journalist or columnist would write today. Today, the power has come in the place of individuals.Some people sit at home and think they have the right to be bitter and to throw a lot of things.

1 out of 2 | Photo: Carolina Byrmo

Charlotte Perrelli.

How do you handle bad comments online?

– I block them. There I am hard. I can be pissed. I can certainly say something that is wrong, I'm not a saint, but I will never hide behind the keys. I have trouble understanding this stuff.

In "So better better", the artist colleague is abandoned Linnea Henriksson During these years, Charlotte Perrelli was forced to stand out.

"Do not agree"

– Always be doubled. Feel good and kind as a woman, then you are not feminist. It does not go together. It's the worst thing I know, she says in the program.

Charlotte Perrelli finds that she has trouble being taken seriously.

"Just because I wear high heels, I do my hair and I'm raw on the stage, people think I'm going to look when I go to bed." I really proved that I'm a normal girl, if you can say it right now I do not think it's okay I want to be safe, look like this if I chose it, "she said, continuing:

– about Expensive Change seventeen wigs during a concert or Lady Gaga having a dress that looks like meatballs, we think that they are cool and dare to stand out. But not at home in Sweden. Here, however, we will stick to what is usual. Especially when you're a popular artist doing that kind of music that I do, then you're in deep water. You must understand how it works, but you do not have to accept it.

"So better better" will air on Saturday at 8 pm on TV4.

Do you remember Charlotte Perrelli's styles? 1:06

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