Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen had children


Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen parents again


Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen had children.

The popular artist would be deprived of a scheduled cesarean section.

– It has become a boy and everything has gone well, confirms Staffan Jordansson, manager of Charlotte Perrelli, at Nöjesbladet.

Charlotte Perrelli, 44, has her fourth child, the other with her husband Anders Jensen, 42.

A little boy, like Charlotte previously revealed for the Nöjesbladet. This means that she now has four sons.

The birth should have occurred with a planned cesarean when the singer "So better better" suffers from the vasa previa condition, where the umbilical cord is bad.

She has been observing at the hospital for a few days and Express was the first to rewrite it.

"It is true that Charlotte is hospitalized for observation, that she is in good health, and for the same reason we have kept all her commitments, including the TV shows you mention", wrote Staffan Jordansson in Expressen.

The doctor has drawn up an emergency plan

In the fall, Charlotte Perrelli was forced to follow the doctor's advice following complications related to her pregnancy.

– They discovered that there was a blood vessel going from the baby to the mouth. Thus, when the child begins to hurry, the baby presses on the blood vessel, causing it to bleed sooner or later, Charlotte has already told the Nöjesbladet.

Therefore, an emergency plan has been established.

"I've been given a directive that I'm close to an emergency hospital, if it bleeds, it's really bad, and then there are only a few minutes left before the death of the patient." the child is a little embarrassing, but as long as I calm down, nothing will happen, "she said.

And now, the little one has come into the world.

Been open with his fight

Charlotte and Anders had a hard time having a child. In her recently published autobiography "The Girl from Småland" she recounts how she often suffered from miscarriage and so-called missed abortions, where the fetal heart stops stabbing.

In her book, she writes about the last four days before going on stage to participate in the Melody Festival 2017:

"It was the tenth time a child had died for me, and it may have been all of this experience that allowed me to do it quickly and effectively. From the point of view, this could be too emotional, but believe me, I did not feel a lack of strong emotions right then. I pushed them aside so I could start calling to try to find a gynecologist who could get up and help me. with such short notice, "she writes in the book.

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