Charlotte Perrelli obtained the book Acute Ultrasound


Meeted doctors immediately after the first Diggiloo

After the first day yesterday at Diggiloo, pregnant Charlotte Perrelli knew that something was wrong in the stomach.

The singer, who has already had several miscarriages, has taken charge before insecurity.

– We were so scared that it would be over even this time, writes Charlotte on her blog

Pregnant Charlotte Perrelli age 43, who is expecting her fourth child to have intense and restless weeks behind him.

In June, she recorded the show "So much better" on Gotland, after which she had a week-long vacation before the hour of the last rehearsals of this year's Diggiloo tour that took place in Malmö Arena yesterday.

On her blog, Charlotte writes that she has felt very little movement in her stomach in recent days, which caused her a great deal of concern because she and her husband had major problems with previous pregnancies.

"Have you ever had a missed abortion (when the heart stops stopping the baby in the stomach) then a pregnancy is a long time of concern. I struggle desperately for not paying attention and KNOW that all values ​​are good and that the baby is healthy, but that helps when suddenly worried, "she writes.

"Now we are expiring"

Charlotte took precautions before uncertainty and recorded an acute ultrasound in Malmö and was able to expire.

"Everything looked good … he's growing as he should be and the heart is screaming! Oh, what an incredible relief … we were so scared that this too is the case this time Now we are expiring and enjoying a wonderful day. "

Charlotte has already talked about how she and her husband have struggled for years to get their parents back.

– We have really struggled and we have tried ten times in three years.The problem for me is not getting pregnant but it's the body that shakes the fetus.Therefore, I eat cortisone that suppresses my immune system and increases the chances of retaining it, she said to Nöjesbladet

The birthday magazine has looked for Charlotte Perrelli

Charlotte Perrelli: Period of frantic struggle

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