Charlotte Perrelli on the beautiful tribute paid to her husband in So Better Better 2018



Charlotte Perrelli was burned after the divorce – but dared to bet.
In the premiere of "So Better Better", she loves her husband in his performance.
"It's my interior that I share with," says Charlotte Perrelli at Nöjesbladet.

In the first section of Saturday of "So better better", it is Eric Gadd, 53, who makes interpret their songs.

Charlotte Perrelli, 44, chose to interpret "Believe in Me", a song originally written by Eric Gadd about his loved one.

The version of Charlotte Perrelli speaks of her love for the husband Anders Jensen, 42.

"I wrote the text completely and based on my own feelings," she told Nöjesbladet.

After the tumultuous divorce of the singer and his ex-husband Nicola Perrelli49 years old as she has the sons Angelo, 14 and Alessio13 years old, she had lost the desire and faith to regain love.

"There is no retrospective when I say that I had decided not to enter a new relationship.I was tired of men.I was tired of being disappointed and I did not dare because I did not want to be crushed anymore, she said.

Perrelli was completely open and transparent with what she felt when she met her husband Anders.

"I told him from the beginning:" Do you know that I'm so good that I'm not interested in giving myself something new. "That could never be as good as I'd dreamed when I was small, she said.

1 out of 2 | Photo: TV4

Charlotte Perrelli in "So much the better"

But destiny would be different. The couple is now married and expecting their second child in the next few weeks.

– The song is about it. If happiness, after many years, dares to let in somebody and realize that there is in fact someone who never goes to bed. That there are good people. And that there is someone for everyone.

In the program, Eric Gadd said it was good that the song he had written to his lover now has a new life and a new loving couple.

The interpretation has also landed well with the singer's husband.

"It's my interior that I share with.He was very happy when he read the text and heard the song.Sometimes it's not always that you say everything you think, feel and think, and it's easier to write it in. Then hearing it in the form of music can almost be even stronger, so for Anders it was great, "she says.

"So Better Better" is premiered on TV4 on October 20th.

Here is the participant of the year in "So better better" 0:33

"Do you want to believe me?" (Text: Charlotte Perrelli)

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