Charlotte Perrelli on the Diggiloo Tour | Aftonbladet


From "So Much Better" to Diggiloo Premiere

This is a lot for Charlotte Perrelli

– Now it's a terribly difficult time, says the artist at Nöjesbladet.

TV recording, tour and book release. Charlotte Perrelli 43 years old, is of high level this year, and it also means a lot of work.

– It's been a good day, says Charlotte Perrelli, who is getting ready for Wednesday. Premier of Diggiloo

Recently, she completed a ten-day recording of "So Much Better" on Gotland.

– "So much better" was very, very intense. They were long days but they were also very understanding and cute, she says about the production.

After the recording, it took a few days in Spain before the final rehearsals of Diggiloo

– Now it's really difficult until Wednesday. But then, when everything rolls and sits, you can relax. Then you can start enjoying and having fun instead.

1 of 3 | Photo: Jimmy Wixtröm

Charlotte with husband Anders Jensen

Do you have time to catch your breath?

– Now it's a little difficult to breathe. If you have a free time, you can sit down with your texts or focus on what you can plan to simplify and improve. Now there is no free time. We repeat from early in the morning to ten in the evening. It is the whole island. But I see the light in the tunnel, she laughs.

I have children during the tour

This is the seventh time that Charlotte Perrelli is doing Diggiloo

– There are many new artists this year. Nothing goes in the routine. It's good and bad, because it will be a very positive energy when people do something for the first time. Everyone thinks that things are very fun, there will be no trains, she says about this year's tour.

Charlotte Perrelli takes the mark Anders Jensen and her three sons this summer. The artist revealed earlier in June that she was pregnant with her fourth child, the seal of the other.

His youngest son was born in relation to the Diggiloo Tour 2013.

– So I played the day before and I went to Stockholm. . After 48 hours we drove almost concert. It was really about BB and the squeeze and then on the stage again. It worked, but I do not recommend it, "she says with a laugh.

However, there will be no birth in summer.

– No, it will not be until the autumn. Thanks to my pregnancies, I grow very quickly. It's when you have more children, it's early and you grow up fast. But I will not have until this fall. So you do not have to worry that he will snatch a baby in the end. It's pretty cool. I think it's pretty relaxing.

Diggiloo is created in Malmö on July 4th.

1 of 3 | Photo: Jimmy Wixtröm

Charlotte with husband Anders Jensen

Diggiloo – here all cities and dates

Malmö, Malmö Arena 4/7
Hok, Hooks Herrgård 6/7
Ulricehamn, Sturebadet 7/7
Borgholm, Slottsruinen 12/7
Bromölla, Strandängen 13/7
Halmstad, Örjans Valley 14/7
Rättvik, Dalhalla 20/7
Bispgården, Thai Pavilion 21/7
Umeå, Hedlundadungen in the region of Nolia 22/7
Gothenburg, Slottsskogen 26/7
Åmål, Djuphamnen 27/7
Kristinehamn, Sannavallen 28/7
Västervik , Bökensved 29/7
Vagnhärad, Tullgarns Slott 2/8
Karlsborg, Göta Canal 3/8
Båstad, Tennis Stadium 4/8
Ystad, Sandskogens Idrottsplats 5/8
Lidköping , Villabadet 10/8
Motala, Rässnäs 1/8
Strömsholm, Strömsholm Slott 12/8
Bollnäs, Långnäs 17/8
Stockholm, Ulriksdals Slott 18/8

Hä R is the participant of the year in "So much the better" 00:33

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