Charlotte Perrelli watch his newborn son


Yesterday, the news was that Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen have become their parents again.

On Friday, the artist gave birth to her fourth child by cesarean section. Once again, he became a son.

"It has become a boy and everything has gone well," said manager Joakim Jordansson on Friday.

Now she shows the first picture of the newborn son.

READ MORE: Baby Happiness – Charlotte Perrelli had children

Newborn son Charlotte Perrelli: "He is here!"

On his Instagram account, the artist posted a photo on the area.

"It is there! It is impossible to describe the gratitude we know now!" She writes in the post.

In the comment field, congratulations to the artist and his family.

Charlotte Perrelli was born the day after her hospitalization after suffering the Vasa Previa pregnancy complication.

In order to ensure the health of her child, she was taken for observation – and on Friday she performed a previously planned cesarean section.

Had a miscarriage earlier

The artist was forced to put his participation in the "Skavlan" and the "Hellenius corner".

READ MORE: Charlotte Perrelli hospitalized

Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen have been a couple for seven years and have been married since 2015. Charlotte Perrelli has already spoken about the difficult road to a new pregnancy. She has miscarried several times.

"We have had difficulties and we have gone through difficult situations, which also allows us to better see ourselves and take care of what we have," she said earlier.

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