Chelsea E Manning at Way Out West in Gothenburg


The Third Way Out West Festival does not only contain a lot of music with world-famous artists and swedish artists. Even the conversations and interviews take place on a special stage at Slottsskogen as part of the Way Out West Talks program.

Now, the festival presents the first names. One of the speakers will be the famous warning launcher Chelsea E Manning, who will travel to Gothenburg to talk about "the need for transparency in the state's action and what can arrive when it's missing, "he said in a statement

. 19659004] Chelsea E Manning, who comes to Slottsskogen on August 11, was a former intelligence analyst in the US military. She was sentenced to 35 years in prison for disclosing confidential documents on the Wikileaks website – documents titled Iran War Logs and Afghan War Logs.

In January 2017, President Obama decided to shorten the sentence.

Chelsea E Manning, former Bradley Manning, is transgender and began using the name Chelsea in the prison where she also started hormone therapy.

In addition to Manning, Jonah Hassen Khemiri comes to Way Out West Talks as well as a living capsule of the Raseriet. ] [ad_2]
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