Chelsea Manning at the exit of the West | Gothenburg after


Activist and US whistleblower Chelsea Manning arrives in Gothenburg and Slottskogen in August. This is clear from the Wow Talk program, the festival program of the music festival, released Friday.

Under the title "Government Transparency", former intelligence analyst Chelsea E Manning will discuss the need for transparency in state action, and what can happen when it fails.

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She herself left classified material to Wikileaks, sentenced to 35 years in prison but was denied by President Obama. His actions led to the publication of documents that became known as Iraqi war diaries and Afghan war diaries. The public disclosure of classified information has been identified as a catalyst for the Arab Spring, and Chelsea Manning has been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The conversation will take place on the stage of the height of the castle forest on August 11th. Co-author also makes the author Jonas Hassen Khemiri who speaks with rapper Osman "Ozzy" Maxamed. The 26-year-old has christened his first album, One Eye Red, based on Hassen Khemiri's first book of 2003. The conversation is directed by Jessica Gedin, who is familiar with SVT Babel's literature program.

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Wow's discussions focus this year on the upcoming elections, and many of the conversation topics have been chosen with young voters in mind for the first time

. calls. How do you navigate so young, if you want to vote for the first time and get the majority of your social media survey information? In the panel, Kristina Alexandersson is from the Internet Foundation, researcher Thomas Nygren, Johan Wikén, editor in chief of Viral Examiner and Martin Schori, news director and author.

Podden Raseriet lives in addition to a specialist. Amie Bramme Sey and Fanna Ndow Norrby promise to deliver new anti-racial feminist analyzes. Among other things, they talk about what it means tactically, and what could happen if SD became Sweden's biggest party.

Way Out West takes place from August 10th to 12th.

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