Chief Prosecutor in Saudi Arabia in Turkey


Photo: Can Erok / DHA / AP / TT

Saud al-Mojab, chief prosecutor in Saudi Arabia. The photo was taken Wednesday when he left the consulate in Istanbul.

The chief prosecutor of Saudi Arabia, Saud al-Mojab, has completed his work in Turkey as part of an investigation into the alleged murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. He is leaving the country now, reports Turkish NTV.

The prosecutor investigated the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, where Khashoggi is believed to have been murdered on 2 October. Saud al-Mojab also met with his Turkish colleague and the country's intelligence services.

Jamal Khashoggi, who has been exiled to the United States since 2017, disappeared after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October. He went there to get some documents for the wedding of his Turkish girlfriend. After several weeks of refusing to know what had happened, Khashoggi, in Saudi Arabia, said that he had died as a result of a fight inside the consulate. In the next release, the Saudis said it would be a planned killing.

United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet calls for an independent investigation into the incident.

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