Christer Sandelin in place with love Nora Laroussi


Christer Sandelin appeared with love Nora Laroussi on the wedding of his friend Tommy Ekman.

Christer Sandelin and Nora Laroussi met in 2013.

He reported that they met at a store in Östermalm in Stockholm – and a few months later, they met again in the city. Then they decided to go to an appointment.

– Nora means light in Latin too, she made me believe that you can meet someone you can think of even if you are 50 years old, and you think you are 25 years old, says Christer Sandelin in 2013.

[19659002 READ MORE: Christer Sandelin: It hurts my heart

Tattooed in "Nora"

Christer Sandelin tattooed in "Nora "in a red heart on his arm for only two weeks after they met.

When they finished temporarily, later in the year, Christer Sandelin would remove the tattoo.

But today, Christer Sandelin and Nora Laroussi are in couples again.

They shone at the wedding of Tommy Ekman – Nora Laroussi in black dress, and Christer Sandelin in white shirt and short-sleeved braces.

Christer Sandelin was Tommy Ekman's best man and was in charge of one of the rings.

Reconnecting Freestyle

After his wedding, he looks forward to finding the Freestyle for the next period.

– Of course, it will be a meeting at the wedding party. Joakim Hagleitner is here, Gigi Hamilton is there and Tommy Ekman is there. So you can give him a fan, he says before the party, and continues:

– We were going to play all the songs that no one has heard before, who have not joined the first and the second lp. No, of course, we will drive the famous songs.

READ MORE: Christer Sandelin on Flirt with September


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