Churches a paradise – for birds


Most churches are concentrated on the sky, but they also seem to have a more profane function for the birds. The churches provide a refuge for a variety of bird species, especially ancient churches with an independent bell tower.

Polish churches are important for maintaining the country's bird species. In the photo, storks circulate above a bell tower in the Slovak village of Lubotin, near Poland.picture: AP

Previous research has shown that farms in Eastern Europe are important for maintaining so-called bird biodiversity in areas where their natural environments have been lost. The number of different species in these farms is simply more compared to the surrounding area.

Polish researchers from the Institute of Nature Conservation in Krakow, Poland, have invented 101 churches in the country. It turns out that these shelter on average 1.6 times more species than farms. The old tall churches with an independent bell tower seem to be the most popular.

Researchers believe that one of the reasons is that the church tower looks like isolated cliffs where different species of birds are having fun. As many of the more than 10,000 Polish churches are old, the birds also had a good time integrating them into their habitats. The absence of cats, who are notorious bird hunters, is also an asset, write the researchers in the journal Biological Conservation where the study is presented.

The researchers also found that interested priests could pull their straw preserving attractive structures for birds, such as the horrors and the old bell tower.

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