City of Soviet Pharmacy Opens – Sydsvenskan


Russian President Vladimir Putin orders the opening of the city where Russian scientists claimed to have developed the nervous system of Novitjok in the 1970s.

A Soviet officer shows chemical weapons stored in the secret city from Sjichany. Archives of 19 October 1987. Image: John Thor Dahlburg / AP

– President Putin has signed a decree removing the status of "closed territorial administrative unit" for our city, says Julia Jersjova, spokesman of

The city of Sjichany in southwestern Russia belongs to the network of closed cities where the Soviet Union housed military research facilities and where access to the public was strictly limited

The poisoning in Britain, according to investigators, was carried out by Novitjok

Moscow denies that the nuisance used in the attempt to assassinate the Russian Sergei Skripal's ex pression and her daughter in Salisbury in March were produced in Russia. According to Moscow, Novitjok did not develop either in Sjichany, but in another factory in the southeastern region of Saratov.

Britain claims to have evidence that brothers Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley were ill at the end of June in Amesbury. Last week, a small bottle of Novitjok was found at home with the man, who is still in critical condition. The woman is dead.

Police are trying to determine if the nerve load comes from the same rate used in the attack against Skripal. The UK has invited experts from the Organization for Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to obtain independent confirmation that it is Novitjok

The OPCW has now gathered its samples to send them to two separate laboratories. [19659012] [ad_2]
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