Claas spare parts store ready to ship


The new Claas spare parts stock at Skåne Skurup is now ready and ready to deliver spare parts to Swedish farmers in full harvest

Warehouse Manager, Johan Lindskog and Parts Manager spare, Martin Gerdtsson, rejoice. is about to start harvesting. Photo: Swedish Agro Machinery

The first leak for the new spare parts warehouse took place on January 3 and according to Swedish Agro Machinery, the construction plan was tightened to be ready for harvest in 2018. [19659004] local facility which in turn orders from the new central warehouse in Skurup. If you order spare parts in the afternoons, they must be at the local factory no later than seven o'clock the next day, whether in Kalmar, Skara or Borlänge, writes the Swedish Agro Machinery in a press release

. Operating. All parts are inside the system, but some remain on the shelf. Since our facilities cover larger areas, we have already had a good stock in our facilities. I want to say that farmers in central Sweden have never had access to Claas spare parts, "says Martin Gerdtsson, Spare Parts Manager at Swedish Agro Machinery.

10,000 spare parts from Claas and 4,000 from other brands in Skurup in the last two weeks. Photo: Swedish Agro Machinery

After the Swedish Agro Machinery started selling Claas in October 2016, the site was bought in Skurup in the spring of 2017. Thanks to the quick work of the municipality and the construction company , the building was built. In January, we could start moving on July 9, and then it took us 14 days to fill the warehouse, according to plan. However, we did not expect the harvest to be so early this year, but it seems good to be now when the lows have already begun to spread in the fields, "says Martin

. His colleagues had two hectic weeks when a total of 10,000 Claas spare parts and 4,000 other brands were added to the warehouse and added to the system. In addition to existing parts, the range will be expanded a little later according to Swedish Agro Machinery.

– We worked long days to get all parts of the system and put the parts in the right place. It is impressive that this is clear after good planning and hard work, "says Johan.

Sweden and Norway

The 3,600 square meter store will supply mainly Sweden and, in one month, Norway with spare parts. Danish retailers in Bornholm and Zeeland will have access to the warehouse. In addition, machine operations recently developed by Danish Agro in Finland and the Baltic countries will also benefit from the warehouse.

– When a stock of this type is established, it will fill the appropriate parts for the market. We are working closely with Swedish Agro Machinery to build a good supply of spare parts. This means larger local warehouses and, in addition, stocked in Skurup, which will also supply other Northern European markets with spare parts. In addition, parts will continue to be sent overnight from Claas central warehouse in Germany to local warehouses, "says Henrik Hesby, representative of Claas in Sweden.

The first phase of the Skurup building is now complete. In November, the premises of the workshop will be used and the headquarters will be moved to shrug in April 2019.

The article was published Tuesday July 24, 2018

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