Clara Henry makes the critical standard "unhealthy obscure" for SVT


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Clara Henry in the new television series (where her character was wounded).

Clara Henry expands the resume.

In a new serie SVT critical of the norm, she plays lesbian Ellen.

– There is no pretty girl to win the heart of dangerous death, she says. 24 years old, did the most.

My friend Micke Ljung with whom I worked very closely for several years, had written a few different ideas in the format of the program. "Ill not clear" acted at the beginning of a guy. He asked me if I knew anyone who could play this character, then I thought, "sorry, this is not a girl".

Another friend came to influence the project in another direction

– She asked him if the character could not be a gay girl instead. Then, I got the question and I thought, "Yes, yes."

"Razors light on girls"

Clara, who is self-taught, is eager to play a character where sexual orientation is not in focus.

It's fun to portray an Hbtq person who can only be without having to respond to his sexuality. Unfortunately, there are few elements in popular culture where the relationships represented are portrayed without additional problem. In the series, the decor is not an affirmation, the main character turns to girls, it's simple and it's one of his many qualities, "says Clara [19659012] "Do not win the heart"

of diversity among the characters.

– And this lesbian love story is not portrayed stereotypically "sexy" to satisfy the heterosexual male gaze. Neither is there any "pretty girl who will win the heart of the dangerous killer." But first and foremost, I want it to be entertaining.

It's her first role where she does not play a twisted version of herself, but she has made no preparations.

– Nothing at all! It may be more Hollywood to get into the character so long at the time.

"Ill un clear" is produced for SVT by Splay Networks in eight fifteen minutes Premiere will be at the end of the year

They directed the Melody Festi since 2007 [19459021

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