Come back for the boys in the cave in northern Thailand


Updated 2018-07-05 to 1030. This article was corrected

It is Thursday when DN reaches the rescue mission in the Tham Luang cave system, near the city ​​of Mae Sai, in northern Thailand

] The rays of the sun rain partly through the rainy clouds, the light is dull.

But it is not raining yet, despite forecasts pointing to the monsoon – a fact that certainly accelerated in the vast rescue effort

– We need to release them Shortly before the return of the monsoon rains, the mayor of the province called Narongsak Osotthankorn in the morning

When it rains again, work intended to pump thousands of cubic meters of water could be futile

that the best thing would be to remove them one by one – to avoid stress and panic. None of the 12 teens who were stuck in the cave partially filled with water for almost two weeks can swim. After a few hours of training in swimming and diving equipment, trying to get four kilometers of passages sometimes cramped, sometimes very narrow, is a very risky and complicated project. For each individual, it is estimated that it will take 11 hours

But in the absence of rain and with the hope that you could have found a new passage not discovered before, the number of options has increased to bring out boys on Thursday

Tham Luang in the north of Thailand Photo: Ulrika City

Second, drainage of the water masses of the cave system gave results – Thursday Claus Rasmusen, who participated in the rescue, confirmed that the boys said they heard a dog barking from where they were stuck in total darkness since 23 June.

"This indicates that there may be a natural passage that we have not yet found," said Claus Rasmusen, who was also confirmed in an official statement at 7 pm Thursday, local time .

Good luck to have the water level to flow further, children can go out almost alone. On Thursday, you also managed to take a rope from the main entrance of the place where the boys are – a rope that they can keep in their path in the light and freedom. Even in the cave, it is very muddy and lame, which makes it difficult to get there too, it is not filled with water.

Thirteen so-called "diving packages" were arranged for children between 11 and 16 years old. According to the doctor who examined the children Thursday, they are about to heal

In the epicenter of the rescue operation, more than a thousand rescuers, professional volunteers and Media around the world have created a very muddy space in front of the main entrance of the system. a world of united and tired divers, firemen and other rescuers – but also a world of constant smiles, encouraging words and free food and water for all.

The relief when the twelve boys and their team leaders were found alive In addition, in pretty good form was replaced by pure joy – now no one doubts that it will be fine – and j & # 39; also hope faster than we feared first.

– Thanks, reporters will hear locals fight hard to ensure that hot food and cold water are always available – for whom Tham Luang, in northern Thailand

Tham Luang in northern Thailand

The dramatic rescue campaign has become a world of merit. Thai authorities are already looking forward to plans to commercialize the cave system as the country's next major tourist attraction. “/>

Ulrika By

According to the English newspaper The Nation, we even expect this to be the case

– When this is over if we make sure the cavern system is dangerous, so we'll bet that it's a great asset, "said Jongklai Worapongsathorn of the Department of National Parks at the newspaper this week.

And one thing is certain – Tham Luang is now a world-famous cave system. In the cavern at the main entrance of the cave, television cameras from around the world are lined up, above the helicopters and the sounds of generators and cops who whistle constantly in their whistles create a chaos of sounds , of life and movement. Thoughts on how the young football team had it during the past two weeks are not so anxious.

According to local media reports, the Burmese coach of 25 years was a practicing monk and he urged the boys to meditate, partly to save energy, but also to focus on survival. The parents sim pronounced in the media does not bother anything against the team leader. Many are also those who came to the place to pray for the boys.

At present, they have water, nutrition and heat and are supported by divers and doctors. According to Sky News, they should have questioned what is happening in the World Cup in Russia

Sanporn Kewale, who usually works as a firefighter in the neighboring province of Chiang Mai, is here all week: 19659003] – Very difficult and heavy, but also very satisfying, he says, and wipes sweat on the forehead

Read more: So you talk to the children of captive boys

Fix: In an earlier version of the article was found an incorrect calendar of the rescue process.

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