Concern and shock in Salisbury after a new intoxication


– Novitjok is the only thing we are talking about today. Everyone is, of course, worried, says fisherman Henry Farmer.

He stands one meter from the bench where Sergei and Julia Skripal were found unconscious in March of this year, poisoned by the Novitjok mushroom. Instead, the new grass began to grow. But the traces of the attack this spring are reminiscent. The Italian restaurant, where father and daughter, Skripal have eaten together, are admitted. Like the pub that they visited.

Henry Farmer had to return to his former place of sale a month ago.

– We had just learned that everything was safe again and that it was happening, he said.

The small park where the Skripals were found is still open. Instead, Salisbury's tall, beautiful gardens of Queen Elizabeth are locked. A 44-year-old woman with her 45-year-old male partner sat in the sun last Friday.

Then they went home to the new man 's apartment in Amesbury, one kilometer away.

On Saturday morning, the woman complained of headache and later fell in the shower. The man called an ambulance who came to pick her up. He went himself to a church where he served a free lunch and visited a pharmacy before going home.

Now the house, church and pharmacy, as well as a shelter where the woman lived, were locked up

Janet Robinson with a police guarding the park

– J & # 39; usually bring my grandchildren and my fish into the little stream that flows here. I can not fulfill the obligations of my grandmother, says Janet Robinson

She's not afraid of herself but has friends who have suffered after the & # 39; March attack and fear that the same thing happens to them Again

– I am most shocked. It's terribly sad what's happening now. Two people have suffered so terribly that tourists can not walk on this beautiful promenade and local traders can suffer again, she says.

Police officers from all over southern England were sent to Amesbury and Salisbury. The team is tense as many police officers have been summoned to London to observe President Donald Trump's visit next week.

The recent events in Salisbury put more emphasis on Trump's meeting with Premier Theresa May. After the conversation with her, he will travel to Helsinki for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Britain accuses Russia of being behind the attack of Sergei and Julia Skripal, as well as causing the last intoxication.

This time, however, the British hinted that the couple was not a goal, but that it was a pure accident that the woman and the man came into contact with the nerve

. 19659002] Political relations between countries have been frozen since March. After this attack, hundreds of Russian diplomats were expelled from many countries. The Kremlin responded by stating the corresponding number of diplomats.

An expert in neurology reported by the BBC does not believe that the now poisoned couple has come into contact with Novitjok on the outside, as the sun and the rain weaken the poison.

But since Novitjok is so powerful and penetrating through the skin, it is enough for the woman and the man to touch it, for example, the hands.

British authorities have urged people in the region not to pick up moved near places that are now locked.

The state of the woman and the man is always mortal. After the March attack, Julia Skripal was allowed to spend a month at the hospital. Sergey Skripal was printed after two months

Read more: Vladimir Uglev: It was probably a mistake

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