Corning presents Gorilla Glass 6


Smartphones have been using Gorilla Glass for many years to increase their durability by protecting them from scratches and falls. Corning has now introduced Gorilla Glass 6, claiming to be twice as robust as its predecessor.

Corning has been trying for several years to reduce one of the biggest fears of smartphone owners here: autumn wounds. This is thanks to its protective product called Gorilla Glass as a mobile manufacturer uses to provide a protective layer to its devices.

Corning has now introduced the sixth iteration of Gorilla Glass, which claims to be double the fifth generation. ]

Corning should have developed a brand new material for the sixth generation of protective glass. It is said that the new generation tolerates not only cases of higher heights but also more cases before the windows break.

The manufacturer claims that smartphone users give up their phones seven times a year on average. According to Corning, more than 50 percent of all smartphone cases should be about one meter tall. In its own tests, the new generation of Gorilla Glass could support up to 15 crates of one meter in height, which should be twice as high as the previous generation according to Corning.

However, the scratch tolerance has not increased since Gorilla Glass 5. Corning however emphasizes that the new material has been developed with smartphones using both the front and rear windows.

According to Corning, a majority of the company's customer is currently evaluating Gorilla Glass 6. The product is expected to start appearing in newer smartphone models in a few months.

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