Count more information on Medievil Remastered in a short time


It was during Playstation Experience last year that Sony announced the release of Medievil Remastered on Playstation 4. Relaunch of the original, often considered one of the best games for the very first console Playstation.

After that, everything was calm. Sony has never shown gameplay nor said when it comes. However, Sid Shuman, publisher of Playstation Blog, says in his podcast that he himself, the boss of Playstation, Shawn Layden, will go to the show in the coming weeks and that we can count on more information:

"I have it on an excellent authority that we [Sony chairman] Shawn Layden will be back on the show in a week or two. He is very happy to give everyone an important update on MediEvil. "

Hope we will not be long in coming back to Sir Daniel Fortesque. Do you remember the original and have you thought about it?

Medievil remastered

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