Count on "spectacular problems" in Fallout 76


The Bethesda role-playing game is one of the best genres ever created – almost every time it produces a new masterpiece. But creating all those huge game worlds with the twist of total freedom will obviously pose a lot of problems at the same time. It's half impossible to find all the faults in Bethesda and there are usually a lot of bugs in the first few months.

Even with this goal in mind, it looks like we have an unusually bold road to hoping with Fallout 76. Bethesda has now twittered an open letter to all their fans, where they are exceptionally frank and write that even themselves sometimes wonder "What is it exactly?" regarding Fallout 76.

The game is larger than anything it has done before and also has an online component, which solves the problem faster than ever before. Bethesda admits this without frills and warns both "unexpected bugs" and "spectacular questions".

Hopefully some of this will be found with the beta that starts today, so these spectacular bugs can be a little … yes … less spectacular.

What do you think of such a direct and honest communication with the fans that Bethesda provides here (and which you can read in full below)?

Fallout 76

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