Court of Justice of the European Communities: It is not wrong to judge a woman for calling the Prophet Muhammad a pedophile


It was in October 2009 when a woman gave a lecture on Islam in Vienna. She then discussed the marriage between the Prophet Muhammad and Aisha, six years old.

The woman suggested in the conference that Muhammad "liked to do it with children," and asked the rhetorical question, "a 56-year-old and a 6-year-old? -How do we call him, if not pedophile?"

Two years later, in 2011, she was sentenced to a Vienna court to talk about "private religious education" and pay a fine of 480 euros as well as trial costs. She appealed twice – and was rejected in both cases.

The woman reported the case at the European Court of Human Rights, alleging that the Austrian verdict contravened Article 10 of the European Convention – that which dealt with freedom of expression.

On Thursday 25 October, the European Court of Human Rights announced that the judgment did not violate Article 10.

"The Court found in particular that the national courts had thoroughly analyzed the broader context of the applicant's statement and had judiciously weighed her right to freedom of expression in relation to the right of others to protect his religion with the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria ", said the court in its decision and continues:

"The court ruled that the statements exceeded the permissible limits of an objective debate and described them as a violent attack against the prophet of Islam, likely to raise prejudices and threaten religious peace. the national courts then provided relevant and sufficient reasons ".

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